Helping you and your business adapt to the next big thing in technology.

Stephen Perelgut

Helping your business adapt to emerging technologies


35+ years of experience at the bleeding edge of technology

Stephen has been working with emerging technologies since earning his M.Sc. in Computer Science in 1984. In that time, he’s focused on helping people identify which changes will drive major disruption in both their industry and their operations, and which changes are not going to move the needle. As the rate of change continues to accelerate, Stephen has found this service is essential to avoid wasted or misdirected efforts. He has guided others in adopting the latest technology within their existing infrastructure, keeping their own operations effective and on point.

Get in touch with Stephen to set up a consultation, or use the contact form at the bottom of this page to enquire whether his services are right for you.


Get in touch

I’m here to help you navigate the bleeding edge of emerging technologies.

Specializing in Cloud, Blockchain, Data Science, The Internet of Things, Security and Emerging Technologies.

How Can I Help? ▸

Areas of Expertise


Everywhere you go, you hear about “moving to the cloud” or “doing business in the cloud”. It may be jargon, but anyone with an online presence is already prepared to move to the cloud. The tradeoffs are between reduced costs (operating, headcount and capital) and reduced control (someone else is running your cloud). The answer is often to use a hybrid of on-site, private and public cloud depending on the demands of your work.

The INternet of Things

Sometimes, there are lots of ways to generate new data by observing behaviour or effects. All that data needs to be gathered, stored, analyzed and managed efficiently. The “things” that generate the data also have to be secure, particularly where they communicate inside your firewall - each device could be a potential weak spot if you aren’t careful. In 2013, Target was the victim of an exploit that grabbed data on over 100M customers — and it started because a hacker got in through their point-of-sale terminals.


Do you have Blockchain yet? Everyone wants it but very few people have taken the time to ask why. Ask yourself three questions: is there a business problem to be solved; is there a business network with more than a couple of participants, assets and transactions; and does the business network require trust?


By now, everyone is aware of the potential cost of not maintaining security. It exposes your business, your reputation and your customers. Security can range from a network attack from a different country to a bad actor inside your own organization. The accelerating rate of change and the drive to stay near the bleeding edge can cause security to take a backseat — a reckless attitude that puts you and your customers at risk.

Data Science

Behind any business is a lot of data. That data could be informing your crucial decisions but often, it’s just collected, stored and deleted. Even when it is put to work, that work is often minimal and sometimes trivial. Data science has progressed to now be useful and accessible to most businesses. Who knows what patterns you’ll find - 20 years ago, people found that, on Valentine’s Day, online shoppers who looked at ordering chocolates also looked at lingerie. That’s obvious in hindsight, but how can those insights best be monetized?

Emerging technologies

Artificial Intelligence (really, Augmented Intelligence) is only starting to become prevalent. Can you learn how to best serve your customers by learning from their behaviours? Can you predict the next trend and be ready to handle it? What about Quantum Computing, which has the potential to change everything - how soon will the impacts be felt and what can be done to manage that? Augmented Reality has been on the horizon for 20+ years but we still don’t quite have it worked out — what happens if people can overlay their view of the world with information (recognizing old friends, offering shopping advice on where the best prices can be found for the object that almost made it into their shopping cart, etc.)


Every conversation we’ve ever had I am smarter for the time I spent listening.
— Chief Technology Officer


Let's Chat.

Use the form below to contact me regarding your business enquiry. Please be as detailed as possible. Include your industry along with any specific requests. To help me best service your enquiry, I recommend that you first describe the issue you’re having and what you want to achieve. You may also email or call me to make an appointment.